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Festival Internacional de Música Clásica de Bogotá

Third Coast is excited to perform at the Festival Internacional de Música Clásica de Bogotá.

Third Coast Percussion will present a program celebrating the richness of keyboard music, featuring works by Philip Glass, Jlin, Steve Reich, Devonté Hynes and David Skidmore, as well as TCP’s complete arrangement of Glass’s Aguas da Amazonia. Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.

This performance is part of the the Festival Internacional de Música Clásica de Bogotá. Click here for more information and to see the full festival schedule.


DEVONTÉ HYNES Perfectly Voiceless
JLIN “Duality” from Perspective
STEVE REICH Music for Pieces of Wood
DAVID SKIDMORE Torched and Wrecked
PHILIP GLASS, arr. TCP Aguas da Amazonia
PHILIP GLASS, arr. TCP Metamorphosis No. 1

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