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Orcas Center

TCP presents music from its program Metamorphosis at Orcas Center.

This performance features music from Third Coast Percussion’s program Metamorphosis, including works composed for the ensemble by Jlin and Tyondai Braxton, as well as Third Coast Percussion’s critically-acclaimed arrangements of Philip Glass’s Aguas da Amazonia.

Click here for more information and to purchase tickets.


PHILIP GLASS (arr. by Third Coast Percussion) Metamorphosis One
JLIN Perspective
PHILIP GLASS (arr. by Third Coast Percussion) Amazon River

This event is a co-production of Orcas Center and Orcas Island Chamber Music Festival.

This project is supported in part by a grant from the National Endowment for the Arts and by Meany Center for the Performing Arts at the University of Washington, with additional support from the Elizabeth F. Cheney Foundation and the Julian Family Foundation.

Perspective by Jlin was commissioned for Third Coast Percussion by the Boulanger Initiative, the Maxine and Stuart Frankel Foundation, Carnegie Hall, the Lester & Hope Abelson Fund for the Performing Arts at the Chicago Community Foundation, the DEW Foundation, and Third Coast Percussion’s New Works Fund.

Sunny X by Tyondai Braxton was commissioned for Third Coast Percussion by the Sewanee Summer Music Festival, George Mason University, and Carnegie Hall with additional support from Third Coast Percussion’s New Works Fund.

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Philharmonie de Paris
