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Learn MorePublished November 13, 2018 by Third Coast Percussion | Share this post!
Welcome back to our Intern Spotlight series! Today, we shine the light on another of our summer 2018 interns, Andrew Bockman. We were lucky to snag Andrew in between his two years at the Eastman School of Music, where he’s now wrapping up a Master’s degree in Percussion Performance. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Andrew, and best wishes for finishing school!
Welcome back to our Intern Spotlight series! Today, we shine the light on another of our summer 2018 interns, Andrew Bockman. We were lucky to snag Andrew in between his two years at the Eastman School of Music, where he’s now wrapping up a Master’s degree in Percussion Performance. Thank you so much for all your hard work, Andrew, and best wishes for finishing school!
Where are you from?
Tampa, FL
What is one thing about yourself that you’d want everyone to know?
Outside of classical music I’m a huge fan of Fleet Foxes. I also like sleeping and turtles.
Give us a link to something about you.
Here’s a video of me performing a timpani solo I composed for my jury in the spring of 2018. It was written as a sort of “requiem” for the passing of David Maslanka, and is available from me if you’re interested!
What are you up to these days?
I’m just starting the final year of my Master’s degree in percussion at Eastman!
When did you intern with TCP?
Throughout the month of July, in the summer of 2018.
How did you connect with TCP?
I discovered this internship through the Arts Leadership Certificate Program at Eastman, which is an awesome program that gives students the opportunity to work with a variety of organizations and ensembles like Third Coast.
Did you gain anything from the internship that you’d like to share?
I learned a ton from simply being around everyone in the office and studio, particularly what goes into both performing in and running a full-time professional chamber group. The administrative work that was required on a daily basis was staggering, and everyone was very organized in how they delineated and completed tasks. I also had the opportunity to sit down with members of the group over lunch and talk about everything they do, which was truly invaluable.
What else did you do while interning with TCP?
Since this was my first time in Chicago I took advantage of the city by visiting the Art Institute, going to a Cubs game, seeing the Chicago Symphony three times, and eating a lot of deep dish pizza.
Did you leave a legacy or mark on the organization that you’re particularly proud of?
Not that I’m aware of, other than a handful of bowed vibraphone notes that might make it onto a recording.
Favorite memory from the internship?
The group held an “intern appreciation night” where they took us out for food and drinks, which was a ton of fun and a very nice thing for them to do.
If you were a cartoon character, who would you be?
A combination of Scooby Doo and Winnie the Pooh
A funny or embarrassing story from the internship?
After setting up for TCP’s outdoor show at Wrigley Field I went to grab tacos for the ensemble and Colin. Immediately upon returning it started to pour, so I ran to deliver the tacos to safety and then ran back out to help cover the stage, microphones, and wireless packs dispersed around the field. It was a complete mess but fortunately all of the electronics, instruments, and tacos were safe, and the show went on.
A GIF or YouTube link that sums up your experience with TCP?
You can intern with Third Coast at any time of year! If you’re interesting in learning more about an internship with Third Coast, please contact Sean Connors at [email protected].