Wednesday, March
Learn MoreWhere are you from?
Jupiter, FL
What is one thing about yourself that you want everyone to know?
I don’t think there’s one thing in particular that I care for everyone to know about me. I’m nice and hardworking and I’ll be your friend even though I’m shy hahaha.
A link to something about you (website, video, post, etc.)
Here’s a link to a project I got to play on several years ago! Ft. Me and my friend Tim in the 3rd photo!
What are you up to these days?
Well, I’m on summer break between my two years of my MM at Northern Illinois University. I’ve been traveling, writing music, and visiting family.
When did you intern with TCP?
I interned with them from June 3rd – June 21st.
How did you connect with TCP?
I’ve been a big fan of TCP for years! Their album Paddle to the Sea was my first introduction to their awesome work. Since I found myself in Illinois for my masters degree, it only seemed natural to reach out to Sean and ask about an internship.
Did you gain anything from the internship that you’d like to share?
I’ve learned a lot about the various responsibilities of making a non-profit music organization function smoothly. From day to day tasks and bookkeeping, going on tour and recording sessions.
What else did you do while you were interning?
One of my favorite things I did while interning was help Colin as the “assistant producer” for a recording session the team was working on.
Did you leave a legacy or mark on the organization that you’re particularly proud of?
My one mark I’ve left that I’m proud of was cleaning up and vacuuming the left side of their rehearsal studio. It really needed some cleaning (they do far more practicing than spring cleaning in there hahaha), and it was my lowkey way of showing some appreciation. Hopefully it stays clean over there.
Favorite memory?
My favorite memory was going on tour with the team to Frank Lloyd Wright’s Taliesin in Wisconsin. Sean and I went up in the truck and I had a lot of fun talking with him and sharing music. That night we met up with Rob and the guest house and enjoyed a Wisconsin cheese platter and some Spotted Cows!
A GIF or YouTube link that sums up your experience with TCP?
If you were a cartoon character, who would you be?
A funny or embarrassing story from the internship?
When the Ensemble, Nolan (a hired hand and cool dude), and I were hanging out in the Green room before their show at Taliesin we had Chinese take out for dinner and we were reading our fortune cookies. The fortunes predicted a less than stellar show, and reminded Sean to wear pants next time he’s warned about bugs, and it was just so relaxed and funny.
Our interns can experience every part of TCP’s organization, from visiting recording sessions to writing grants and everything in between. We accept interns almost year-round. If you’re interesting in learning more about an internship with Third Coast, please contact Sean Connors at [email protected].